Its not to often something as simple as DHCP gets an upgrade, or even if it does, rare that it warrants a mention.
I upgraded the majoity of servers in our network to R2 over the weekend… as now that exchange 2010 is out (and implemented), i can have all 2008 R2 DC’s.
One of the things i notiuced was new bits of functionality with DHCP, and a few new nicities in the GUI.
1) Mac address filtering: Pretty cool to be able to allow to deny specific MAC’s from getting an IP…. its a bit of a manual process – but still is potentially useful
2) Right click to add. Yay – finally, i can right click on an existing lease and turn it into a reservation… or add it to a DHCP mac filter allow list.
Theres a couple of others…. its nice to see some minor improvements to a minor, but important, service. (and yet another option to going full 802.1x)