Now that the useless marketing fluff has subsided a little, more useful information about Windows 11 is making its way around the web.
Some keys parts for enterprise customers i believe will be:
Yearly update cycle (as opposed to currently twice-per-year updates…. “semi-annual channel”)
I might be out on a limb here, but while regular releases have absolutely fucking stellar for SCCM – for Windows 10, particularly in the enterprise, they have been “meh”…. i’m not denying that some of the features have been useful here and there…. but more often, they result in having to update the .admx’s and push out policy settings to turn consumer shit off.
Yearly seems a better “fit” for an OS…. and it was fairly common for enterprises just to use the H2 release of Win 10, partly for the support timeframe and partly because rolling out to 30,000 devices every 6 months was not only not viable…. but didn’t offer real benefit.
Pro is getting 24 months support, Enterprise 36 months
Not a huge change here – for enterprise that generally stuck with H2 releases anyway…. but, some enterprises do use Pro (insert a world of senseless political reasons here) – and the 6 month increase in support timeframe will be very welcome.
CU’s are up to 40% smaller – lets see this actually happen before saying its good
For those of us that are old – we’ve heard this all before.
Remember when Windows 2003 was coming out and there were going to be fewer patches.
With 2012 server core, there was going to be fewer patches and less rebooting!
Neither of these – nor many other patching claims ever came true.
To be fair – the CU model used for Windows 10/2016/2019 is awesome – and much better than the “old” patching paradigm… but i will believe these claims once i see them.
System requirements
There seems to be some anxiety around the web about the requirements – primarily the exclusion of Intel 7th Gen processors and the requirement for TPM 2.0.
I’m actually a fan of this. While it may suck for some customers over the next 2-ish years…. it will force all newer hardware to meet that standard. Additionally, finally, x64 only. This should have happened 5+ fucking years ago.
So… yes, i agree, this may cause some short-term pain… but… and you wont hear me say this often… i think MS are going down the right path (on this at least)
Now – if some bright spark @MS could just realise that enterprises dont want all the bloat – and give us a way of removing all the crap with a line or two of powershell…..