SCCM 2012+ – Bug when building query using values selector for Software files – File modified date

This is a fairly uncommon thing…. but, its still there.

When using SCCM, sometimes its necessary to use software inventory and the “Software Files” class – to determine the versions of software that is in your environment.

Normally, we would use Software Files – File Name and Software Files – File Version and that would be enough.

We have one client, who has some software developed by a particularly shitty vendor, who releases different software versions with the same version number, so we needed to look for the exe, the version, but also the Software Files – File Modified Date.

When selecting the file modified date, like most reasonable people, you would select the “values” button and select the correct entry – or based your entry on that format… unfortunately, in this case, the entry values shown in the below dialogue box, are not the same as the ones in the database.

The values box in SCCM


The view data in SQL


Notice the different values


If I select a value, or use the format from the values box, I get a collection with 0 members, as nothing matches that criteria


If, however, I enter the value in the correct format from the database, we are all good



Anyhoo – I realise this is an unusual situation…. most developers realise that incrementing version numbers is a good thing. Still, there’s an small chance this might help someone out there.

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