Years ago, we had a couple of clients that were really interested in OCS 2007 PIC, but thought it would of been ever so much more awesome (yes, english is my first language) if they were also able to do AV conferencing with these clients – but alas, different protocols meant this was a no go.
When i was looking at something totally unrelated, i found this gem –
i had not even realised that it was possible in Lync – as ive been focused on all the other features!
The guts of the post is – run two powershell commandlets to enable PIC AV confrencing:
Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy Global -EnablePublicCloudAccess $true -EnablePublicCloudAudioVideoAccess $true
Set-CsMediaConfiguration Global -EncryptionLevel SupportEncryption -MaxVideoRateAllowed Hd720p15M
i have ran these on our corporate environment…. now only if i knew someone that ran Windows live! 🙂