Logitech Harmony 600

i finally grabbed this all-in-one remote the other day…. it happened to be there as i was grabbing some other stuff…. so that reminded me… (and Bayls’ previous comment on my other blog post about crappy HDMI compat)

Anyhoo – i grabbed it, got it home, grabbed my make/models and plugged it in to the PC via the supplied USB cable.

First up – porgramming the thing was an absolute breeze….. logitech have made the UI so easy, even my dog (that i dont have yet) could do it – well done.

The “macro” functions, allowing multiple devices to be turned on and set to the appropriate inputs – brilliant.

My setup currently has a TV, a denon reciever and an astone media gear 310 (which is a piece of shit….) – there were setup entries in the logitech database for all of devices, so i have two simple macro’s setup, one to watch TV (TV and reciever in use) one to watch movies (all 3 devices in use)…. 

After programming, i of course tested it, everything came on correctly, however when using the “all off” function – the astone device remained on…. the little screen on the remote guided me to press “help” if i needed assistance, so i did…. “did all the devices turn off?” – No…. “is astone off?” – No, “Is it off now?” – as the remote turned it off…. now thats useful troubleshooting.

Ive only had it for a few days and there are a bucketload of buttons on there i just dont use… but it has already cut down stress with the missus – as the interface is so easy, she can use it without any issue (My wife has some type of EMP field that manages to break any electrical device she is near).

For $50 – its an absolute no brainer of a purchase – and i will be getting another one (i think the next model up) to handle my projector/amp/pc/xbox/ps3/wii setup.

* edit * – after checking out the logitech site – apparently the model i purchased is no longer available and has been replaced with the 650…. probbaly why it was a bit cheaper…. still a brilliant device (so far)

One of my employees just pointed this place out – http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/remotes a fair bit cheaper than RRP and than what i paid for it!

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