Issue with manually created EXO inbound connector in hybrid environment

Working at a client whom are approx 75% of the way through their migration to exchange online – and there are some odd things im running into – so here’s one of them.

The scenario and issue

  • Exchange hybrid setup, with servers on prem and EXO active. Active mailboxes in both.
  • Mail flow from on prem to EXO shows the following:
    • Outbound SMTP logs shows the message being handed off correctly to EXO
    • Message tracking in EXO shows 3 copies of the message, all of which, when looking into the details are bounces
    • When looking in, the messages have been flagged as phishing attempts… with seemingly no way to flag them as not phishing attempts
  • The connectors on-prem looked ok, and after, double, triple and ninieteenth-thousandth checking, they were solid
  • The connectors in EXO were manually created (for reasons i don’t know that pre-date me) and the HCW created connectors had been disabled. No idea why.
  • The connectors in EXO looked fine and validated without any issue
  • After circling around for ages, i compared the disabled HCW connector with the active connect with “get-inboundconnector | fl”
  • This is when i noticed that the HCW created connector had IP’s in the “EFSkipIPs” property

The Fix

  • EFSkipIPs can be configured as per the powershell doco here
  • The EFSkipIPs property looks like it defines IP’s that should be excluded from enhanced filtering. Since the HCW automatically populates this field – most of us will never have to use this…. but if some bright spark decides that the HCW isn’t good enough for them (for whatever reason), then this becomes important.
  • Because i had the previous, disabled connector, created by the HCW – i already knew the IP’s i needed to add.  If you don’t have this, you will need get your the Public IP that is presented to EXO. This could be obtained with something such as
  • The multi-valued property… well, it would have been nice on the doco page if an example was included… so since there isn’t one in the official doc – here is an example below:

Set-inboundConnector -Identity “OrgToEXO” -EFSkipIPs @{Add=”xx.xx.xx.xx”, “xy.xy.xy.xy”}

  • After that, i needed to wait approx 15 minutes (not sure on the exact time, but it didn’t work straight away) – and bingo-bango – no more mail flow issue

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