Exchange – Can’t remove the domain ‘’ because it’s referenced in an email address policy by the proxy address template ‘’.

The current company im working for is a large (for Aus) media company and as such, because basically everyone that works here is into marketing and sales, we just have a ridiculous number of domains.

As part of the cleanup process here – i bought up the huge number of domains we had and that maybe some of them weren’t current – and got back confirmation that many weren’t (approx 120)

The first job was removing them from exchange accepted domains, but i kept getting an error

Can’t remove the domain ‘’ because it’s referenced in an email address policy by the proxy address template ‘’.

Even though the domains were not anywhere in the existing email address policies.

As usual, ADSIEdit to the rescue

navigate to

CN=Recipient Policies,CN=<Your Org Name>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=xy,DC=com

Find the recipient policy which contains an attribute called “disabledGatewayProxy”

Remove each of the domain values from that attribute

Wait a few minutes for replication

then go back to exchange and remove the accepted domain.

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