Elite Dangerous docking guide

While speaking the other day, a mate (Chocolate bear) of mine mentioned he was having trouble docking in ED.

While I’m sure there are many methods, this is how I do it.

Docking with a dock

  • Drop out of FSD
  • Close to within 7.5km (requests to dock from further than this will be denied) <Picture 1>
  • Open your contacts interface <picture 2>
  • Request to dock <picture 3>

  • The docking location is sometimes right in front of you, but sometimes its on “the other side” of the station <picture 4>
  • Manoeuvre around the starport/dock until you can see the distinctive orange landing pad indicator with your landing pad number on it <picture 5>
  • Once you have located this, simply move to that position, drop your landing gear and use the thrusters to fine tune the last parts of the procedure – along with the very handy landing indicator <picture 6>
  • Note: You must also be facing forward in order to land. “facing forward” means that you are directly facing the number on the orange landing bay indicator / facing towards the top of the screen in the landing indicator area (in the radar area of the screen) / facing the landing tower (once you get close, the orange landing indicator disappears)


Dock4 Dock5 Dock6


Docking with a coriolis starport

  • Drop out of FSD
  • Focus on the starport and target it <picture 1>
  • Notice the arrows on the starport object on your targeting display, these point to the dock entrance <picture 2>
  • Turn so the opposite end of the starport is what you can see in your targeting area <picture 3>

DockSS1 DockSS2 DockSS3

  • Use thrust and afterburners to go past the star port – utilise the distance property in your targeting area. When this number starts getting larger, you have gone past the starport
  • Turn back towards the starport, you will now be able to see the dock entrance <picture 4>
  • Request docking <picture 5>
  • Manoeuvre through the docking port and look for the docking bay you have been allocated <picture 6 & 7>
  • Use roll to orientate your ship initially, then drop your landing gear and use the landing indicator to again finish off the procedure
  • Note: You must also be facing forward in order to land. “facing forward” means that you are directly facing the number on the orange landing bay indicator / facing towards the top of the screen in the landing indicator area (in the radar area of the screen) / facing the landing tower (once you get close, the orange landing indicator disappears)

DockSS4 DockSS5 DockSS6 DockSS7

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