AlwaysON VPN breaks after root certificate update


  • After updating the internal CA root certificate, AlwaysOn VPN stops working with an error (at the user end) of “A Certificate could not be found that can be used with this Extensible Authentication Protocol
  • In this case, we were using an Enterprise integrated CA and renewed the root using the same signing keys – which should ease the process – at least for all windows clients
  • AOVPN is configured to use PEAP for authentication



  • Initially, 4 out of the 6 AOVPN servers had not received the new root cert from a GPupdate yet – so i forced that, restarted the service, but no difference
  • We discovered that the issue only occured on devices which had the updated trusted root cert in trusted root store. Additionally, for those that had updated, if we deleted the updated trusted root cert, AOVPN would connect again
  • We quickly found this article by the doyen of DirectAccess and AOVPN –  
    • While its a good article – it ended up not being our issue and actually led our down the wrong path a little
    • At the same time, for someone that wasn’t overly familiar with AOVPN (This was implemented by someone else and i’ve not had much to do with AOVPN) it was great, because i could look at the scripts and suss out some of the relevant powershell commandlets
  • After checking and re-checking every setting under the sun, a colleague could connect again after updating the client end
  • Once she worked that out, we then clarified and replicated the change on a different machine to be sure – and confirmed it was all good



  • On a client machine, we updated the AOVPN configuration to include (i.e. tick the new as well as the old root cert) the updated root cert in 3 places under
    • <AOVPN connection name> / Properties / Security / Properties
    • <AOVPN connection name> / Properties / Security / Properties /Configure
    • <AOVPN connection name> / Properties / Security / Properties /Configure / Advanced
  • Confirm that the AOVPN connection is working
  • Export the profile using the script from
  • Look at the xml – you should now see the thumbprints of both the “old” and “new” root certificate listed in multiple sections
  • Copy the section <EAPHostConfig> from its open xml tag to its close xml tag and insert into the “EAP xml” part of intune AOVPN configuration

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